
Thursday, May 23, 2013

 pics: Over 100 Horses Killed By Oklahoma Tornado

'There was stuff flying around everywhere': A woman walks past a pile of dead horses in Moore, Oklahoma, that were killed by the tornado a day earlier

Piled high amid a trail of destruction, these tragic horses are among more than 100 thought to have been killed in the Oklahoma tornado.

As well as human lives that were lost, farms around the suburb of Moore took a direct hit from the giant twister which swept up everything in its path with winds of more than 200mph and the power of up to 600 nuclear bombs.

Witnesses who cowered in terror described seeing 'horses and stuff flying around everywhere' and returning to find 'scorched earth' and crumpled buildings.
They came across distressing scenes of horses lying in the middle of the road, surrounded by piles of twisted metal and uprooted trees. Others were tangled in power lines.

Apocalyptic: A dead horse blocks the road at Penn Avenue and 134th street

Sorry sight: A dead horse lays amid a pile of twisted metal, wires and uprooted trees after the 200mph storm swept through Moore on Monday

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