
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Katy Perry Challenges Tony Abbott Over Gay Marriage

Currently doing the press rounds in support of her latest single Roar, pop sensation Katy Perry has jumped, two feet first, squarely into the middle of our quagmire of a Federal election.
During a segment on this morning’s Kyle & Jackie O show, where Australian ‘celebrities’ were put in direct contact with the pop phenomenon, Perry got a chance to talk to our beloved Opposition LeaderTony Abbott, and if there was any sort of script or prompted response, Perry wasn’t reading off it.
After mentioning that we are in an election (just in case any of us had forgotten), Abbott tries his hand at appealing to Gen Y (or perhaps even the tween market, which is surely on the Liberal Party’s radar by now) by REALLY putting the big question to Perry – when will she will be back in Australia?
Katy, though, was having none of it. “Ah, c’mon that’s not a political question, let’s talk about gay marriage!” she interjected, instantly throwing off the potential leader of our nation. “Now you’re interviewing me,” Abbott mumbled before the I Kissed A Girl singer squealed “Love is equal, wooooo!”
After some awkward bluster, Perry wrapped up the topic by saying, “Yeah, well, I love you as a human being but I can’t give you my vote then.” From then on, the interview is dangerously awkward as Abbott attempts to recover from the blow, inviting Perry out for lunch before shuffling off to make way for another ‘celebrity’ question.
Katy confirmed that she will be in Australia this year, so now we face potentially having Tony Abbott in charge, and Katy Perry in the country at the same time… I’m out.


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